Monday, April 21, 2008

10 weeks after surgery :)

So its a full 10 weeks ago, since i was laying in high dependancy with my friendly morphine pump! The jaw surgery doesnt seem that bad, now, looking back on it. Not sure id go through it again, but guess having the plate removed will bring back all the happy memories! LOL

Feel fed up today, as hate the feeling lifes on hold now until the next op. Really wanted to go to disney before op, but cant find any cheap packages, till the week of my op, which is just bloody typical.

Ive been abit naughty in the last few days and have been biting on my front teeth. It felt really really weird as its been 10 weeks since i chewed anything and ive never been able to bite on my front teeth as over jet was so bad. Doesnt seem to have done me any harm and its a boost to my morale at least.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Got my date for Plate removal : ) yay!!

Saw my surgeon today and he booked me in to have my plates taken out on the 14th May. Am so so happy to have an actual date, which seems really really odd, but its just a huge relief to know its all gonna be over soon.

Am already scared about the general anesethic, but am hoping as its a quicker operation than the original that the anesethic used will be different and i wont have a bad reaction to it. Fingers crossed anyways.

My surgeon was really nice today, and for the 1st time he actually managed to make out where the pus was coming out from, as before the infection has been very visable from the outside, but not from the inside. Now a bubble has become apparent in the crease of my cheek, which the pus erupts from when it can no longer be contained inside.

Realised i hadnt posted any pics of how my teeth look now, so this is one from the front of my teeth complete with guiding elastics:
The swelling is not too evident on this pic, but its still there, tho it has gone done after taking the antibiotics.
Im very very happy with my bite so far!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Wisdom tooth gone...finally

Had an appointment with the ortho on thursday, so as my face was swelling i called the hospital and asked if i could see one of the surgical team at the same time.

I saw Mark, (another surgeon) first and he said that he wants the plates (yep thats right both of them), out now asap. He gave me some really strong antibiotics that app can make your tummy pretty unwell, so im drinking probiotic drinks like there going out of fashion! The antibiotics are actually used in the treatment of mrsa, so am bit worried theres something hes not telling me. Spoke to him about the wisdom tooth removal and he still seemed pretty sure he could do it, but left the final decision up to me. Hes made the actual surgeon who preformed the op, squeeze me into his clinic on thursday, so that the removal of the plates can be scheduled.

Then on to the ortho, she took the surgical hooks etc off the bottom jaw, which was pretty painful, but nice to get them removed. Then she put a powerchain on the front 6 top teeth, as some gaps had opened up there. The ortho appointment went well and i get the feeling theres just some "tidying up" left to do now.


Mark got me staight into surgery as he didnt want to make me any more nervous, sitting about. The anesethic went in realitively easily, tho the one into the roof of my mouth was bit nasty. Then he said he was just poking to see if the anesethic was working, which i realised in one place it wasnt, as i could feel it, so another injection later and feeling like the inside of my mouth was huge, on he went. He claimed to just be "pushing" the tooth, to see the condition of it etc, but as the pain in my lower jaw got pretty bad, he stopped for a few seconds and i could tell that he was actually trying to remove the tooth, as i could taste the blood. There was then a few seconds of extreme pushing, which wasnt nice but didnt hurt either (tho i was in serious pain from the lower jaw) and then it was over. It turned out that he had been unable to use the normal method if extraction, as i just couldnt open my mouth enough, so had to dig the tooth out.

Then came the gauze, which was ok, tho a nightmare for him to remove from my braces! And the bleeding wasnt too bad at all. As they sat me up i felt faint, and went a funny colour, so i was quickly layed back down, and wet towels were placed on my head and face as i was REALLY hot. Laid there for a few minutes, then they gradually sat me up, and this time i felt ok. I was shown the tooth, which was massive. Then they kept me there abit longer to check i was ok, and let me stand up, whilst the doc held his arms out to catch me if i fainted! lol. :)

Once i got home, i slept for a couple of hours. The pains not been to bad, but the lower jaws hurting too.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My incredible swelling face....

Well, day by day my face seems to be getting bigger (more swollen that is, not just larger lol!) cant imagine how there going to take my wisdom tooth out on friday Very Confused and too be honest in the last few days im getting pretty fed up by it all. Guess its not helped by the fact im pretty scared about friday, know its abit silly after all ive had done but just have a mental issue with tooth removal, that ive had since childhood.